February 17, 2016
10:30 am-11:30 am
Grant Requirements Concurrent Session
Tim Chappelle, Grants Management Officer, Office of Grants Management, Administration for Children and Families
Navigators and a Different Form of Case Management
Gwendelyn Ruffin-Lowry, Assistant Coordinator for Student Success, Adult Career Pathways, Northern Virginia Community College
Seanna Ruvkun, Project Director, Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County
Behavioral Economics Research and Human Services
Emily Schmitt, Senior Social Science Research Analyst, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families
1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
PLENARY: How Might We…? – An Introduction to Human-Centered Design (Jefferson I&II)
Blair Corcoran de Castillo, HPOG Program Specialist, Office of Family Assistance, Administration for Children and Families
2:30 pm-3:30 pm
Instructor Engagement
Tiziana Rota, Project Director, Schenectady County Community College
Heather Sipple, CATCH Program Manager, Everett Community College
Approaches to Adult Basic Education
Amanda Abens, Director, Center for Training and Development, Pima Community College
Thomas Nash, President, Commission on Adult Basic Education
The Federal Evaluation of HPOG: Key Components, Learning to Date, and PAGES Tools (Jefferson I)
Hilary Forster, HPOG Evaluation Team Lead, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families
Pamela Loprest, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
Michael Meit, Co-Director,NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
Robin Koralek, Senior Associate, Abt Associates and Gretchen Locke, Principal Associate, Abt Associates
February 18, 2016
8:30 am-9:15 am
PLENARY: Current Initiatives
Partnerships, Two-Generation Approaches, and Employer Engagement
Bill Browning, Senior Program Manager, Workforce Strategies Initiative, The Aspen Institute
Shelley Waters Boots, Senior Consultant, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Randall Wilson, Senior Research Manager, Jobs for the Future
9:30 am-10:30 am
Concurrent Sessions
Partnerships – Education, Support Services, and Career Services
Bill Browning, Senior Program Manager, Workforce Strategies Initiative, The Aspen Institute
HPOG Partnership Worksheet
Two-Generation Approaches (Jefferson II)
Shelley Waters Boots, Senior Consultant, Annie E. Casey Foundation and
Monica Barczak, Senior Advisor, Office of Family Assistance and Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families
Employer Engagement
Randall Wilson, Senior Research Manager, Jobs for the Future
10:45 am-11:45 am
Concurrent Session
Supporting Student Success Through Support Services
Kori Hattemer, Associate Director, Savings & Financial Capability, Corporation for Enterprise Development
Shari Prichard, President, Prichard Consulting, LLC
Accelerating Pathway Progress: Credit for Prior Learning
Milan S. Hayward, Special Assistant for Career and Education, Northern Virginia Community College
Leadership Strategies to Build Successful Organizations
Jeremy Kohomban, President, The Children’s Village
1:15 pm-2:15 pm
Successful Recruitment and Marketing
Shari Prichard, President, Prichard Consulting, LLC
Social Media Primer: Best Practices for Engaging With HPOG and Participants Online (Crystal V&VI)
Kate Jolley, Brand Marketing Manager, Brunet-Garcia Advertising
Aliera Peterson, Social Media Specialist, Brunet-Garcia Advertising
HPOG Social Media Primer
2:30 pm-3:15 pm
Plenary Session: Toxic Stress
Margaret P. Moss, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, University at Buffalo School of Nursing